Kotlin native
Apollo Kotlin supports multiple native targets, including iOS and MacOS.
Apollo Kotlin requires the new Kotlin Native Memory Manager. It is enabled by default since Kotlin 1.7.20. If you're using a version of Kotlin lower than 1.7.20, you need to opt-in:
kotlin.targets.withType(KotlinNativeTarget::class.java) {binaries.all {binaryOptions["memoryModel"] = "experimental"}}
More information is available on the migration guide.
Multithreaded coroutines
By default when using the x.y.z-native-mt
branch of coroutines, Gradle replaces the -native-mt
version with the non-mt version as outlined here. To prevent this, add the following to your root build.gradle.kts
allprojects {configurations {all {resolutionStrategy {force("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:x.y.z-native-mt")}}}}
This ensures that the same version is used everywhere, and that Gradle doesn't fail because -native-mt
is a pre-release version (1.5.1-native-mt < 1.5.1